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David Mauk (Music, Lyrics, Co-author) and Brenda Mandabach (Co-author) are writers/performers from Las Vegas. David plays piano on the Las Vegas strip, while Brenda acts and sings professionally throughout the city.  Together they created the music for several international artifact exhibits featuring King Tut, Cleopatra, King Ramses II seen in various venues like The Field Museum in Chicago, The Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, LACMA in Los Angeles, the O2 in London, including setting the record for the most attended art exhibit in the history of Paris, France at the Grande Halle de la Villette in 2019. David also has two instrumental albums, "12 Months" and "Ground Swell" as heard on Sirius/XM and Music Choice's Soundscapes channel.


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Feburary 2017 - The Organic and Homegrown Playwrights Festival , UNLV, Las Vegas Nevada


July 2017 - The New York Musical Festival (NYMF), Acorn Theatre, Theatre Row, NYC


April 2020 - The Playhouse - Las Vegas, Nevada (cancelled mid- rehearsals due to Covid)

​“…delightfully inventive, whimsical, exciting, and touching…” – Stage Buddy

                 “…The music and lyrics...are simply beautiful.” – Times Square Chronicles

“The Time Machine has a terrific brand, a perfect blend of fantasy and reality that make for a terrific musical (think Wicked, Phantom, etc.), and huge potential in the subsidiary market.  What high school wouldn’t want to do The Time Machine?” – Broadway Producer Ken Davenport

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SYNOPSIS (music below)

    A young teenage boy named Henry finds a comic book version of The Time Machine in a trunk in the attic of his new house. Henry interacts with the characters as the story unfolds. The tale begins in the year 1900 as Thomas arrives in his laboratory, weary and beaten, his clothes bloody. In a grand flashback, Thomas tells what happened to him in the future, beginning with the day before at the opening ceremony of the World's Fair (A New Century). At the fair, Thomas questions Professor Dash and the selection committee about his newly invented time machine and why it wasn't included. Thomas's Uncle Filby pushes Thomas into hosting a demonstration at his laboratory the next morning. Following Thomas and Uncle Filby's departure, Professor Dash recounts to the committee the incident back in college where Thomas was ostracized for setting fire to the university's old science building. Outside, Thomas contemplates the future (Better).  The next morning, Mrs. Watchett and Filby usher the committee into the laboratory for the demonstration. Unnoticed, Professor Dash steals Thomas's pocket light off a workbench. When the committee threatens to impound the time machine, Thomas misdirects them and escapes into the future (The Time Machine). Thomas arrives in 1920 in a town square that has replaced Thomas's home, where he reunites with Uncle Filby. Filby informs Thomas that Dash purchased Thomas's house in 1910 but likely perished in a fire that demolished the workshop. Thomas continues into the future. Later that evening, Professor Dash arrives in the town square in a poorly duplicated time machine, realizing the power he has in his grip (Who Makes the Rules). Dash pursues Thomas, intending to sabotage him in the future and thus become the sole owner of the only time machine. Arriving in the year 802,701, Thomas finds himself in a clearing in an ominous forest next to a large Sphinx. Thomas is greeted by the local people, called the Eloi. He follows them next to the river where they dance in worship. An independent Eloi woman named Wenisa contradicts the group, and they push her into the tumultuous river (We are One). Thomas rescues Wenisa. Meanwhile, Dash frantically searches through the eons of time for Thomas (When I Find Him). Wenisa shows Thomas the now decrepit Palace of Electricity. She activates three audio-animatronic figures which tell the history of the past and why technology has been phased out (The Palace of Electricity). She tells Thomas about the Morlocks, the creatures that provide for the Eloi, but warns Thomas against interacting with them. Meanwhile, Professor Dash arrives in the forest clearing next to Thomas's time machine. Before realizing that Thomas's machine requires a key to operate, Dash sends his own machine into oblivion, leaving himself stranded. Three subhuman creatures sneak up from the shadows and are about to pounce on Dash, but he subdues them with the stolen pocket light (Stuck / Three Blind Morlocks). Wenisa shows Thomas the great hall where the Eloi dwell. Thomas is dismayed by the future, but Wenisa comforts him, pointing out that seasons change and that technology may one day return (After the Storm). Thomas leads her back to the forest clearing to show off his machine, but the time machine is now gone, dragged inside the Sphinx. Henry's Mom interrupts the action for a second to offer food and encourage HENRY to go outside and make new friends. Henry continues to read the comic book. It is night as Thomas, Wenisa and the Eloi sleep on the floor in the Great Hall. The Morlocks enter and remove some of the sleeping Eloi while Professor Dash watches. (In the Underworld). Dash exits. Thomas and Wenisa awaken, seeing the Morlocks exit into a shaft in the floor. Thomas follows them underground to search for his time machine. Wenisa worries what will happen to Thomas (Again) and decides to follow him. Thomas arrives underground and discovers that the Morlocks are cannibalizing the Eloi, and he is captured (The Descent). Dash accounts for the Morlock's immortality, a result of an anciently concocted elixir. Dash also explains his evil dictatorial plans to Thomas and demands the key to the time machine. (The Ruler of the Underworld). Dash admits to Thomas that he initiated the fire at the university and wrongfully accused Thomas. Wenisa saves Thomas, and together they flee from the Morlocks into the woods. Thomas starts a forest fire, impeding the Morlocks' pursuit. Seeking refuge, Thomas and Wenisa escape into an old, dilapidated high-rise. Thomas realizes his life has been sidetracked because of Dash and he decides to stand up for himself (The End of the Story). Thomas and Wenisa return to the clearing. The Sphinx doors are now open, revealing the time machine. Thomas is surrounded by the Morlocks until Wenisa sneaks up and impales one with her spear. They chase her off into the forest. Dash tries to get to the time machine but is blocked by Thomas. Dash stabs Thomas, pushing him aside. Just as Dash is about to board the machine, the leader of the Morlocks emerges, grabs the pocket light from Dash's grasp, and smashes it. Dash tries to bargain with the Morlocks but is killed (The Denouement). Moments later, Wenisa returns to the clearing to find Thomas clinging to life.  The dawn hits and the Morlocks are driven back into the shadows. Wenisa gives Thomas a drop of the immortality elixir which heals him during his journey back to the year 1900. (The Decision). Back in the study, Thomas tells his tale to the committee and Dash is offended. Thomas pulls the pocket light out of Dash's pocket, exposing him to the others. Dash is denounced, allowing Thomas to slip into the laboratory and escape to the future. In the future, Thomas joins Wenisa (I Dream of You) and they board the time machine and arrive outside a beautiful, modernized city. Henry begs them not to go. Thomas reminds Henry that he can take charge of his own life and can write his own story. Henry's Mom yells that there are kids outside waiting to meet Henry. Henry says goodbye to Thomas and Wenisa and puts the comic book back in the trunk, heading downstairs to meet his new friends.

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The New York Musical Festival


The Time Machine made it's world debut at the prestigious festival July 11th - 16th , 2017. Directed by Justin Baldridge and starring Michael Hunsaker, Bligh Voth and Broadway's Randal Keith as Professor Dash.


The Time Machine had its first staged reading! The wonderfully successful evening was directed and narrated by Lysander Abadia, starring Kevan Patriquin, Zipporah Peddle, and Randal Keith.


Several songs from the Time Machine made their premiere at the Composers Showcase of Las Vegas, an entertainment forum at the Smith Center that allows local and visiting composers, lyricists and songwriters the opportunity to present original material to a supportive audience in an informal cabaret-style setting, hosted by Keith Thompson.

                      PHOTOGRAPHS  (click to enlarge)
UNLV Reading
Recording the Eloi
Hanging at the Studio
Palace of Electricity Animortonics
At the UNLV reading
Morlock Recordng
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Henry Ford

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